Dermaplane Treatments

Our expert estheticians will customize each treatment to address your unique skin concerns, leaving you with a brighter, smoother, and more youthful-looking complexion.

Dermaplane Treatments

Dermaplaning is an exfoliation method that removes the dead skin cells and peach fuzz from the face with a medical grade scapple. This is more effective than using a razor as it will shave the hair at a better angle to avoid razor burn or ingrown hairs. This treatment also removes layers of dead skin to reveal the fresher layers underneath. Two disposable blades used per client to keep the blade as effective as possible for the whole area. Gentle, even strokes are used for an even removal of hair and debris. Dermaplaning leaves the skin feeling fresh, soft, and rejuvenated. If you are a makeup user, this will also help makeup lay better on your skin for a smoother look.  

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